My website

Jan 05, 2022

Table of Contents


Hi, reader. First, I want to appreciate you for being here. Second, I need to say thanks to PuruVJ , Matt Fantinel and Zeno Rocha who inspire (and principally, help) me in this website.

Ah, now let me tell that this isnā€™t my first personal site. Probably is the third or fourth. You can see the last here , but dont judge. I did it with React (while I was learning it) and p5.js. This one however, was made with SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS . I did try with NuxtJS , actually I even made it, but decided to migrate to Svelte because it is faster, easier and a new skill to learn for me!

The colors šŸŽØ

Well, green is my favorite color, so I made it the main here. Of course, not easy like this. Iā€™ve been looking for the best green in the world since ages, so if you canā€™t decide your color, I swear, it is completely comprehensible. In the beggining, I used to create all websites in dark themes. But we know that there exist people that donā€™t like it , so I did a white theme. And just for fun, a coffee theme.

theme colors:


theme colors:


theme colors:


The layout šŸ“

So, when I had 14~16 years old, I discovered that I really liked Photoshop, and I tried to be a designer. But when the things started to get harder and I saw some really professional designs, I just accept that I wouldnā€™t go that far in it and, being honest with myself, I didnā€™t want it. Yes sad story.

But I found something even better than design, making design happen! I believe that my ā€œdesginerā€ background brought me some graphic skills to web development and helped increase my taste for frontend. So everything I try to do, I try let it beautiful. At least not ugly, cā€™mon.

Okay, no more lero-lero, lets get straight to the point. I noticed something when was looking to Zenoā€™s website. If you will do a website based on content in sections, is better to center the content in the page and make one page for each section. I say because I didnā€™t do it and didnā€™t appreciate the result either. Seems like the contents are too alone or too close together. So, if the website is going to have less content, I think is better to make it more presentable and tasty to browse. Otherwise, a simple layout to make the content lighter to read looks better.

About the blog, I did the layout as clear as possible, inspirated by .

The blog šŸ—’ļø

Definitively the hardest thing. I had to use things Iā€™ve never used and it isnā€™t over yet. I basically mixed PuruVJā€™s and Matt Fantinel blog. PuruVJ did EVERYTHING by itself (seriously, I donā€™t doubt he considered to do his own Svelte, check it out ). And Matt, my brazilian camarada, uses mdsvex . Strange, because I decide to use too šŸ¤”, a few seconds after seeing him website, what a coincidence!


posts Thanks for reading!